Apologetics in 3D: Essays on Apologetics and Spirituality

This collection of papers and other materials from English philosopher Peter S. Williams, with a foreword from philosopher Paul Copan, develops a holistic vision for Christian apologetics centred around a biblical understanding of spirituality. Grounded in two decades of practical experience, this book offers a vision of apologetics that’s interested in communicating through beauty and goodness as well as logic and arguments.

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Praise for Apologetics in 3D

‘In Apologetics in 3D Williams accomplishes two important tasks. First, he gives a broad survey of Meta-apologetics – that is, theories of apologetics. He achieves this task through a careful discussion of the approach of leading apologists. Second, he argues for a more holistic approach to apologetics. Following Paul Gould, Makoto Fujimura, and others, he makes a case for appealing to seeker’s hearts and well as their minds. This short book is packed with insight and will stimulate discussion for years to come.’ – Gregory E. Ganssle, Professor of Philosophy, Talbot School of Theology, Biola University



Here are the original publication versions of the chapters from Apologetics in 3D:

Apologetics in 3D: Persuading Across Spiritualities with the Apostle Paul (Theofilos, 2012:1)

A Pre-Modern Reflection Upon the Modernist Foundations of Postmodernism (Theofilos, 2015:2)

The Apologetics of Cultural Re-Enchantment in 3D (Theofilos, 2019:1)

Responsible Apologetics: Philosophical Reflections on John Warwick Montgomery’s Always Be Ready: A Primer on Defending the Christian Faith (1517 Publishing, 2018) (Theofilos, 2020: 2-3)

See also

Schools For Spirituality: Philosophical Analysis and Practical Suggestions

A Beginner’s Guide to the Theistic Argument from Desire

C.S. Lewis as a Central Figure in Formulating the Theistic Argument from Desire

Re-Defending Arguments from Desire: A Second Response to Gregory Bassham

Amazon Lists of Recommended Resources

Amazon List: Recommended reading for aspiring apologists

Amazon List: Debating God and Jesus


Thinking in 3D: Spirituality, Rhetoric & Transcendental Values (2023)

Reading Culture in 3D: From Pre-Modernism to Metamodernism (2023)

Apologetics in 3D (2022)

Apologetics in 3D (2021)

Preaching for Spiritual Formation: Luke 7:36-50 (2021)

Spirituality, Apologetics & Discipleship in 3D (2019)

Understanding the Cultures of Atheism (2018)

Peter S. Williams, Composing


YouTube Playlist, Understanding Worldviews

YouTube Playlist, Understanding Culture

YouTube Playlist Rhetoric

YouTube Playlist, Beauty

YouTube Playlist, Paul M. Gould on Cultural Apologetics

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